How Bitcoin might enable one to bypass the international settlement system altogether ?
By Othman Darwish
Digital currency like Bitcoin and the technology behind it "blockchain" would disrupt the
traditional financial services. A slow but steady use cases of blockchain
technology emerges every day, and the international settlement is one of the
potential use cases that could revolutionize
the financial industry, and disrupt
the traditional complex ,risky ,and time consuming international
settlement processes.
The main innovation of
blockchain technology lies in the
ability of making peer-to-peer payments in a decentralized network in
the absence of trust between parties or in any other third party. Traditional securities
trading processes involves different parties to serve the pre-trade (clearing) and
post-trade (settlement ) activities of the payment between the seller and buyer,
these parties include but are not limited to the seller's broker and custodian,
purchaser's broker and custodian, central securities depositories, and the clearing
houses . Such a complex structure of intermediaries aims to build a trusted authority from perspective of
buyer and seller to execute their trade. Blockchain technology eliminates the
needs for those trusted parties ,
instead it acts as a global distributed
and immutable ledger, the proven secure ledger records every transaction
ever made, for securities, goods or other assets including all
clearing steps processed before settlement.
Settlement process is defined as the legal transition during
the time span between trade processing and settlement date, so that only after
settlement, trades become proprietary, terminating counterparty risk. A risk
exits if a party fails to deliver the
terms of a contract to the other party at the time of settlement, that risk is associated
with default at settlement with the existence of any timing differences in settlement between
parities. For example, U.S. settlement of equities, bonds, mutual funds securities require three business days after the
transaction date (T +3) , meanwhile, the European standard is (T +2) . In
contrary, Blockchain technology is executed in near real time eliminating by
that any settlement risk. This immediate behavior changes the meaning of the
traditional trading activates, in other words, do we still need settlement ?
The peer-to-peer approach of using blockchain technology means
that the complex hierarchy of custodians, CSDs and registers could collapse, they
are just invented to register and do the book-keeping securities activities. Blockchain ability of documenting,
transmitting and securing entire contractual relationships using "smart
contract" - which is a computer program code - enables it to facilitate,
execute, and enforce the negotiation or performance of an agreement . As
legal contracts, the terms of the smart contract are recorded in a
computer language as a set of instructions and in blockchain. Thus, the entire securities
trading process will be fully automated and relay only on the buyer and seller
dropping any needs for the intermediates or custodians to execute their trades .
Securitas trading and settlement is subjective to a revolutionary improvements in the era of
digital currency and blockchain technology , this technology able to be
executed in peer-to-peer network between seller and buyer without any need for
trusted authorities . Trades could be executed in near real time eliminating
any "settlement" risk, smart contract capabilities
will eliminates the need for custodians or central repositories , a
fully automated trading process could be executed in risk-free , secure, low
cost and high speed manner.