Blockchain Smart Contract Potentials To Substitute Securities Trade Aspects
By Othman
This is a proposed solution to fully automated stock exchange market based on Ethereum blockchain innovated technology using smart contract and distributed
ledger technology DLT. Smart contract is a computer program that performs as
digital asset and is able to substitute today securities financial instruments.
Ethereum is an open source decentralized
computing platform that runs Smart
Contract. Blockchain is a database of a distributed ledger that hold digital
assets information (aka Smart Contract). By using Ethereum
network, all middlemen are removed and users ( issuers and investors) are
allowed to interact with each other directly. This solution will reduce time,
cost and operational risks, it will also automat censorship, and more importantly,
insure transparency and trust between all the parties involved in the
interaction of that network.
The ability of digitizing
financial assets to secure, trustworthy and programmable form is valuable since
it opens opportunities towards improving the financial services processes and
Executive Summary
Smart Contract is one of the most exciting topic of
blockchain and distributed ledger technology at the moment, they have the
potential to radically change the way we conduct businesses. Smart contract is
a computer program that control digital asset, it can facilitate the automatic
payment of dividends, stock splits and liability management, also it reduces
counterparties and operational risks. Smart Contract aims to digitizing existing asset; when asset is
digital, financial services become software, and here is the value and innovation
behind this technology. Financial services are one of the last industries that
is going to be truly transformed into software; we've seen this happened to
music, publishing, telecommunication, and finally, the cryptography
breakthrough is at the heart of the financial services, which means that
security trade will become a program .
In nutshell , the security trade workflow started when the investor
wants to buy securities from the market place, the order is placed into Exchange
via an intermediary, this intermediary is called a broker. The broker is a special
entity that is authorized by the Exchange to buy securities on behalf of others and on behalf of itself, and there are
strict requirements to become a broker
and there are sets of compliances to make sure that a broker is performing a
good role on behalf of the investors. Once the order
is placed into the market via a broker,
the Exchange receives a buy order. Similarly
the Exchange receives a sell order into the same manner. Throughout the day,
the Exchange will be holding lists of buy and sell of different quantities of
securities at different target prices, The Exchange attempts to perform automatic matching based on price,
product, quantity and so on, when it finds a match, it will send back an order
confirmation of the details back to the broker, and the broker in turn will
forward those details to the investor. This process is termed as trade execution cycle process.After the Exchange confirmed the trade, it works hand in hand
with the clearing house. A clearing house is a special institution that is introduced
in the settlement cycle to safely guard the interest of the buyer and seller,
it effectively guarantees the trade on behalf of them. The clearing house
becomes materially important for much larger quantities of trades, where
billions and billions of dollars are being exchanged, here the clearing house
takes the owner ship of the trade and splits it into two separate trade legs; one leg is for the buyer to the seller, and the other leg is for seller to the buyer.
Doing so, it legally transfers the title of that shares for that period of time,
this is purely to become guarantor
for the safety of the investors.
Throughout the
trading day, there are numbers of trades that are coming through from
the Exchange, and the clearing house is responsible for performing netting . A
netting is a number of trades with same counterparty, and for the same product, trades can be
grouped together and netted into single transaction rather than multiple. At
the end of the day, the clearing house will create one net figure for the
settlement obligations of that counterparty and send through the counterparties
nominated custodian or nostro agent. At this point in time, the investor will
have a locked trade, in other words, the trade is being matched and confirmed
on the Exchange waiting for settlement. In U.S. , settlement normally needs T + 3, while in European standard it is T +2
, so two to three days are required to
pay for the securities.
Other intermediaries involved in trade cycle are the
registers (or stock transfer agents), they work on behalf of a company and are responsible
for maintaining a register of shareholders and keeping it up to date, if the
company is going to pay dividends, those registers are responsible for the
dividends distribution. The intermediaries also include the central securities
depository (CSD). CSD is a financial organization that acts as custodian of
custodians that hold securities, so that the ownership can be easily
transferred through book entry rather than the transfer of the physical
certificate, this allows brokers and financial companies to hold their
securities at one location so that they can be available for clearing and settlement.
Blcokchain technology is fundamentally influencing the way
that our economy, financial ecosystems
and businesses is functioning, and able to change our concept of trade
ownership and trust. This technology already exists and it is called cryptocurrency.
People think of Bitcoins as it is only a
virtual money or a transactions system; however, when somebody looks closer to
the blockchain or the distributed ledger (as some economists name it ) which is
the technology behind the Bitcoin payment network, you will see that some monetary aspects and processes could be substituted by this breakthrough innovated technology.Traditionally, securities trades follow complex structure of
intermediaries, trades are recorded in bookkeeping , we use third parties and
middlemen we trust to facilitate and
improve our transactions . In contrary, Blockchain distributed ledger can run
in a public/private network of computers
to maintain collective bookkeeping, this bookkeeper is a digital ledger which
is fully distributed across the network nodes, each node of the network owns a
full copy of the blockchain, the cryptography ensures that these nodes
automatically and continuously agree about the current state of the ledger for
every transaction in it. If anyone attempts to corrupts a transactions, the
nodes will not arrive to consensus and hence will refuse to incorporate the
transaction in the blockchain. In this way, every node has access to single
source of truth, this is why we can always trust the blockchain; Accordingly, relaying
on trusted custodian financial entities to transfer the ownership of asset is
questionable.Moreove, smart
contract which is a computer program that controls digital asset and runs
inside blockchain, it is able of documenting, transmitting and securing the
entire contractual relationships by issuer and investor, the smart contract can immediately transfer
asset into program, the program in turns - as legal contract - can run its code and evaluate its terms and
conditions, and accordengly, determine the ownership of the asset. By this, the
smart contract offers potential to streamline the whole trade cycle processes
by providing an end-to-end digitized
workflow between the buyer and seller, this is in near real time where t trade date
plus zero days ( T + 0 ) is required for
securities settlement, it also offers the ability to automate the payment of
dividends and enable more accurate proxy voting. Thus using a programmable
contract - as a legal and secure asset - will result in eliminating
counterparty and operational risk created by intermediaries. Thus, the complex
hierarchy of brokers , custodians, CSDs
and registers would collapse, or at least their functions and need will be
revised.On the other hand , smart contract could be used as a digital
identity to securely define the identity of the buyer or seller, it enables
individuals to own and control their digital identity that contain reputation,
data and digital assets. This allows individuals to choose what personal data to
disclose to counterparties, this gives
enterprises the opportunity to seamlessly know their customers, rather than
expensive and time consuming Know Your Customer (KYC) processes that lack
The Proposed Solution
This proposal suggests a solution to automate securities
trade using Ethereum Smart Contract, it concentrates on how to apply this
technology to perform the exchanging of common
equities stocks instruments; for that a network that acts as a virtual permissioned private security market is built, with access
is limited only to the authorized members, so that those only can join and participate in this network. The
membership authorization process is out of this proposal scope.
The suggested solution is purely conceptual solution that's target
is to illustrate that this technology is able to automate securities trade
processes and cycles; thus, the financial market impact and legislation issues are out of this proposal scope.
For the members to interact with the network (the virtual
stock market), a special software is used to produce what we call the "Stock
Wallet". The Stock Wallet provides members the ability to interact with the network, and
perform various transactions operations on digital asset information stored in
the block chain. It acts as a computing node in the network which will mainly
participate in holding and verifying database information, this information is a full
copy of the ledger (aka blockchain) which is securely protected by the cryptography and synced with
all participating nodes in the network
at any point of time; in other words, whenever a user transact a Smart Contract (perform
transaction on his/her Wallet), the local blockchain copy of that Wallet is verified
and got updated, then marked as not
confirm transaction, the Wallet software then propagate that transaction for
all participating network nodes, at this point in time, all network nodes participate in
validating that transaction, if all
nodes agreed on that transaction (consensus), then the transaction become
confirmed one and added to immutable blockchain data block. The Wallet can be hosted
in an authorized businesses firms
computing machines or even on a permessioned users'
smart phones.
When a company issued a stock in primary market, it first
need to transform those stocks to digital asset of Smart Contract form, and
register them in blockchain database, this operation is called the Smart Contract
deployment. Once a Smart Contract is
deployed it will hold a set of properties; some of these properties have immutable nature (cannot be
altered during Smart Contract life time) such as, issuing company, stock name
and type; other properties could be adjusted as a result of transacting a Smart
Contract during its life time such as prices, owner, dividend rate...
Each Smart contract expose as set of stoke exchange services which could be executed (transacted) according to predefined service privilege,
for example the sell request service operation
could be executed only by stock owner, change ownership operation could be only
executed by the central bank, and get
price operation could be executed anonymously by any investor. Another powerful feature of Smart Contract is Events, events
could be fired by Smart Contract to announce a change on its state, concerned
parties (for example investors) could subscribe to those events and immediately
got notified whenever an event is fired, for example if an investor is
interested in stock of a specific type, he/she can subscribe to all Smart Contact
of that stock type, and thus we'll be notified about all sell requests along
with the proposed prices.
The bellow proposed tables summarize the Smart Contract
properties, operations and events. Table 1 lists properties along with their transacted
(modifiable) nature, those properties are updated as a result of executing
Smart Contract operations as listed in Table 2. Table 2 lists a set of
operations along with privileged parties allowed to execute them. Table 3 lists
a set of events which are going to be fired or trigged as a result of executing
Smart Contract operations, those events
could be subscribed by the interested parties in order to be notified
about the pending (waiting for an
action) transactions at their side.
Table 1: Smart
Contract (Stock) Properties
Is transacted ( modifiable ?)
Issuing Company
Stock Name
Stock Type
Dividend Rate
Dividend Yield
Table 2: Smart Contract (Stock) Operations
Operation (financial Service)
Privileged Party
Get Price
Buy Request
Buy Approval/Rejection
Buyer custodian bank
Sell Request
Sell Approval/Rejection
Change Owner Ship
Central Bank
Adjust Dividend Rate
Issuing Company
Adjust Dividend Yield
Issuing Company
Pay Dividend
Issuing Company
Start/End Voting
Issuing Company
Table 3: Smart Contract (stock) event
Event (notification)
Subscriber (consumed by)
Buy Request
Investor/Custodian bank
Sell Request
Investor/Custodian bank
Change Owner Ship
Buyer custodian bank to debit
it account
Seller custodian bank to
credit it account
Pay Dividend
Central bank to debit issuing company custodian bank and credit
Owner custodian bank settlement account .
Company custodian bank to debit company account.
Owner custodian bank to credit owner account.
Issuing Company to select board of directors
Effectively, securities
trade will be executed directly between the seller and buyer, custodian banks
will book-keep these trade transactions by debiting/crediting their customers, and
the central bank will perform near real time settlement and automate the
ownership transfer of the contracts.
Security Trade Exchange Scenarios
Execute buy operation scenario
The Investor in one of the scenario, using his wallet
application that runs on his computing
node (computer or smart phone), can monitor (through subscription) to "Sell
Request" events that are
executed in the network, the sell requests are displayed to him in an aggregated
form that summarizes sell stocks transactions
requests. The sell transactions requests include the stock quantities and
prices, and are grouped by companies stocks types ... Alternatively, in another
scenario, the investor can instantiate a "Buy Request" on the target
stocks along with proposed prices and quantities. These two scenarios are
elaborated by the next paragraphs.
Execute "Buy Request"
when supply of stocks is available
Here, the investor selects
quantities of stocks and create a "Buy Request", at this point in
time, all Smart Contracts of the corresponding stocks will be transacted by the
resulted buy requests, these requests will be logged as not confirmed
transactions, after that, the wallet application will propagate the resulted buy requests to all of
the participating nodes in the network, so that all of the receiving nodes will
participate in validating those requests, and if all of the nodes agree on
thier validity (aka consensus), the transactions will be accepted and become a
part of the immutable synchronized blockchain
block information data.
As a result of the above consensus on the validity
of the buy requests of the investor, the custodian bank of the investor (buyer)
will receive his customer buy requests, the bank in turn will perform the required
financial validation, and accordingly, he either accepts or rejects the
operation. Whatever was the bank action, it will be propagated to all network
nodes, verified and logged in the blockchain
database .
If the investor custodian bank
rejects the transactions (or some of them), the corresponding Smart contract
buy request status will be released allowing other investor to execute new buy
requests on them , such bank rejected requests could be a target for further auditing
If the investor bank accepts those
transactions, the central bank would be notified, so that he can perform any further
validations, and then, upon his approval, the following actions take place:
- · Transfer ownership operation for that contract, effectively the buyer will be the new owner of that contract.
- · Perform near real time settlement on the transaction counterparty (debiting the buyer custodian bank and crediting the seller custodian bank settlement account).
- Meanwhile, the seller custodian bank will be notified of the change in the ownership that is previously executed by central bank, and accordingly the seller custodian bank will credit the investor seller account and debit the buyer custodian bank by agreed on contract price value.
Execute "Buy
Request" when no supply of stocks is available
The buyer investor can instantiate
a "Buy Request" on target stocks along with proposed prices
and quantities, stock holder will receive these buy requests from the different
investors and they have the option to accept the requests of the most suitable
prices. When a seller investor approves a particular investor buy request, the workflow
continues in the same manner of the previously mentioned sequence of work; approving/rejecting
buyer custodian bank transactions, changing the ownership of the contract by the
central bank along with performing the settlement on the transaction counterparty bank, and finally notifying the seller custodian bank to debit the buyer bank and credit the seller
customer account.
Execute "Sell Request" Scenario
Sell operation can be
performed as a result of the buy operation requests as mentioned above, or it
can be instantiated separately (with no demand). The same activates would be
executed; from debiting/crediting buyer/seller at their custodian bank, debiting/crediting
counterparty settlement bank, and changing the ownership of the contract at
central bank .
Execute "Pay Dividend" Scenario
When a company declares dividends, it will execute "Pay
Dividend" operation on their issued contracts, as a result of this operation,
the central bank will be notified to perform settlement between the contract
issuing company custodian bank and contract owner custodian bank. In the same
way, the company custodian bank and the contract owner bank will be notified to
perform debit/credit bookkeeping entries
on the corresponding accounts.
Execute "Vote" Scenario
With Smart Contract, voting processes will be streamlined,
in a more effective and transparent manner. When the issuing company declares the start of
the voting, along with the nominated officers and board of directors OBDs, the
smart contract owner will have the ability to elect and make up the board of