The New Internet Protocol: Blockchain

By Othman Darwish The age of the online world began its journey with the invention of the Internet. The Internet has grown and evolved into its present form because people find immense value in using it. The emergence of Blockchain technology years ago and its current steady progress would revolutionize the Internet as we know it today. This article is arguing how the decentralized nature of Blockchain would radically changing the today's Internet . Internet starts with a prototype, done back in late of the 1960s by Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or ARPANET, which was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. ARPANET allows multiple computers to communicates on a single network. The technology continues its growth and developments in the 1970s by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf, and they developed the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol-TCP/IP, a communications protocol that standardized the way the data exchanged between multiple networks. The i...